Thursday, March 3, 2011

Child Musings

#1: I took Thing 1 shopping and to get his eye glasses fixed. The cart was shaking on the way to the cart, and he said "My butt is shaking". I started laughing, and he giggled, too. Then he somberly said "no, seriously, my butt is shaking".

#2: Thing 2 fell off the couch today (while I was cooking dinner). She comes up to me crying that she fell down. Thing 1 tells her "well, really, what did you expect?"

#3: Also, apparently, I'm Bot (from Team Umizoomi). Per Thing 1 "I'm Geo, sister's Millie, and you're Bot because you have the biggest belly for the belly screen". When I asked him who daddy was, he stopped and said "No one, he's always the problem".

#4: Oh, and for the record, I'm the Red Ranger b/c "he's the leader and the one in charge". FYI-he's also told me "you're always right, huh mom?!"

Updated: I'm not a nighlock b/c his BFF at school is the Red Ranger. So much for being the one in charge.

#5: Thing 2 likes to tell everyone she meets that "moms don't fart". The teachers happily shared her revelations with them.

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