Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another dinner saga...

Yesterday Me: what do you want for dinner?
Eleanor: burga frea fry
ABC: mac n cheese
Me: no burgers and I'm out of mac n cheese
ABC: I need a cold dinner
Eleanor: burga frea fryyyyyy
ABC: how about ice cream?
ABC: green ice cream. Dinner must be cold
Me: How about green ice cream after you eat dinner?
ABC: sounds like a good plan
Me: so what do you want?
ABC: hey! I know! How about hamburgers and french fries
Me: How about hot dogs?
ABC: OK, with green ice cream!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An interesting vacation

Vacationing as a parent is full of ups and downs.

Up: Excited child seeing Thomas the Train...
Down: 8 hr car ride to get to Thomas the Train

Up: Train Ride on the actual Thomas the Train
Down: 8 hr car ride to ride a 23 minute train? Are you freakin' kidding me?

Up: Seeing a fire engine up close and personal
Down: Having to call the fire department to examine child after choking on a pretzel

Up: Happy Children
Down: Tons of scrapped knees from dare devil stunts

Up: Garlic Festival
Down: Idiot at Garlic Festival
Up: Knowing G-ma's got my back

Up: Going home after a long weekend
Down: traffic coming home coming to a dead stop

All in all it was a memorable trip that my son is still talking about. Money well spent.