Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mommy, go away!

My son has learned something new. He's learned about privacy.

Apparently, when he does a poop, he doesn't want anyone around, and absolutely cannot phathom why we have to bother him.

Knowing when he's 1.) quiet, 2.) out of sight, and 3.) not bugging me with his endless questions of "why", I deduce he's pooped his pants.

So, I go searching. He's in the other room. Happily playing in his play kitchen.

"Alexander" I lovingly call, "do you have a poop?"

"No, mama, you go away, you watch t.v. and leave me alone, okay? I busy, okay? Leave me alone" and then shuts the door.

And, suddenly, I find myself having visions of what his teenage years will be like when he discovers girls and crunchy socks.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Aww Factor

I got my first hand picked flower from my son today. He was so proud. He came in from the back yard, and handed me this little weedy bud and said "for you mommy, I picked a flower for you because you're so smart".


I remember doing this same thing for my mom when I was a little girl. My mom was the smartest and prettiest person in my world (and still is), and every time I offered a dandelion to her, I hope she knew that.

The ritual continues... now I'm nostalgic to find a dandelion for my mom.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mommy brain...

I had something pretty insightful and enlightening to say, however I forgot what it was.

Mommy brain rules again.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm at work, working, thinking, and working some more. Sometimes, I'll get into auto mode at work and start drifting my thoughts towards my children.

What are they doing now. Are they behaving? Are they laughing and chasing each other? Will they be tired? What will Alexander boycott at dinner time? know, the usual.

But something's been on my mind for the last few days.

How the heck to potty train a stubborn child?

I approach this concept with fear, and have read all the books. Be consistent, brave, and keep going.

And, today, a revelation!

It hit me all at once.

If I can housebreak Buffy, my stubborn little pekingese, I can certainly master housebreaking the boy! I used to do dog training. Same principles, right?

Brace yourself, WILL be out of diapers soon!

to be continued...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Queen Daddy

Last nights must be shared!

Me: You're a handsome boy
ABC: And you a princess (have no idea where that come from ha ha)
Me: I am? What are you?
ABC: I'm a king
Me: What about Eleanor?
ABC: Un-orr is blue
Me: Blue, huh? What about Daddy?
ABC: Daddy's a girl
Brent: Hey!
Me: Laughing
Brent: who's your queen?
ABC: you, daddy? You a girl and you queen.
Me: ROTFLMAO wiping tears away
Brent: you just gave mommy ammunition. She's going to tell her mommy's this, you know.
ABC: um-hmm queen daddy.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Powered by Toddlers

So, I took my children to The Little Gym. They both had a blast. Including my son, who was the shortest 3 yr old in the room. Small, but mighty!

The minute he gets into the car, he starts asking "why" questions over and over. When we finally get to our destination, his focus on "why" turned into pure glee as he was able to sprint safely across the platform tumbling, jumping, and zooming.

For an hour...non stop!

Meanwhile, his sister stands in the middle of the platform, a little uncertain at first, taking it all in. I don't think she's ever seen her brother in pure chaotic bliss bouncing and bounding like that.

The instructor comes up to her and starts to try and engage her in some activity.

She lets out a warriors cry (think Xena without the chakram and all the backflips) and starts to run rampant.

Baccus would be so proud.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Me: What do you want to eat?
ABC: pasta
Me: we're having hamburger tonight
ABC: no, I want pasta
Me: how about hamburger
ABC: I want pasta
*we compromise, he eats fruit

Me: Oh, look, we've got pasta
ABC: I want chicken
Me: But you like pasta
ABC: I also like chicken
Me: you're eating pasta!
*we compromise, he eats fruit

Me: look! KFC chicken!
ABC: how about chicken?
ABC: oh, hmm...uh, okay, but I don't want KFC I want chicken.
Me: Um, okay, ooh, look, You've got chicken!!!
ABC: and fruit?
Me: (((grunt))) of course.

Does wine count as a fruit?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Work Days

So, my baby turned 3 yesterday. Say what you want, but he's still my baby. I decided to have a much needed mom-son bonding day. I haven't had an hour for just us two since Eleanor was born. It was nice taking him out and having some quality time.

It was almost like he was a different child. Polite, happy, loving, laughing, and really, I was thinking that being home with him all day wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

That is until we brought Little Sister home.

Suddenly, my bright/happy 3 year old started to push, whine, and misbehave. And, in response to this, my 15 mo old decided to smack her brother, whine, and steal everything.

She has a tendency to grab and book it. She'd be a great linebacker. TO eat your heart out!

Anyway, the serenity of the office wins again.

Still, though, it was a good day with my baby boy.