Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watch where you walk...

Me: My back hurts

Thing 1: Sorry, mama, I stepped on a crack today.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quote of the day

When my children are wild and unruly, I like to use a safe playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Working Mom Guilt

I'm one of the odd working moms who actually enjoy my work. I get to leave for a little bit, interact with other adults, connect with other moms (ironically) via internet and get paid for it. What more could a woman ask for.

Being around my children 24/7 would drive me absolutely ape-shizz bonkers. Not that I don't love my kids (I absolutely adore them more than my own life), but I'm not the personality type that really can stay home and raise children (anyone's children). I need variety to thrive, and for the most part, my children are happier for it.

There are mornings, however, when it is difficult to leave them. Every once in a while, the working mom guilt sets in. Reading articles that suggest leaving your children at a young age is selfish, and that I'm turning my son into a womanizer by leaving him in the care of others (!) sometimes make me stop to examine the place at where I'm at and what I'm doing...Sometimes, even hearing the kids crying in the background (on a morning call to my husband) when they don't want to get dressed, and putting them on the phone and giving them tele-kisses makes me feel like I'm not doing enough.

Then I have to give pause to my own creation, look at them, and how WELL they thrive in an academic play environment. I see how wonderful their little minds work, how social they are, and how independent they are becoming.

I'm totally in awe every day seeing them grow, learn, play, thrive, and know that I'm doing a good job, and really paying for the best care for them. And, nothing beats the feeling of a bad day at work then the look on their faces when they see me, run to me, give me a big hug/kiss and tell me all that they've learned and ask if they can do it again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rule of Mom Life #513

Your kids will stop doing cute things the minute the video camera is on.

Rule of Mom Life #402

Your kids will never decide on the same movie to watch at the same time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I should be an astronomer. I'm always looking for space.

Precious space away from my Thing 1 and Thing 2...
Don't get me wrong, like any mom, I love being around my kids. Love the hugs, kisses, and the high fives. But sometimes I'd just like a little space. A little of myself.

A typical night, my kids complete my pajama ensemble; a child under each arm or on each leg. I'm thinking that I should start a trend. Give new meaning to the term "baby wearing". But, instead of babies, more like "child wearing", "preschooler wearing", or just plain "mama bling".

Anyway, the point just doesn't happen. And, the sad thing is that one day, they're not going to want to sit on my lap, and one day they're going to be away to college, and I will long for The Days of Whine and Roseola.

So, as tired and overtouched as I am. I'm grateful to have my Thing Bling.