I decided to be brave, and embark on an impromptu, but much needed shopping trip to the grocery store. Normally, I'd strategically place Thing 2 (my youngest) in the cart while Thing 1 wanders around within decent range. He's under better voice control than Thing 2. And, he responds better to operant conditioning than Thing 2.
On this day, however, Thing 1 was unusually tired, a side effect from the IDON'TWANNANAP syndrome. Thing 2 was a bigger ball of energy after power napping for 2 hours. So, I decided to foolishly try it...
Thing 2 went wild running amok here and there, touching everything, until I was finally able to chase her down near the bakery. I'm amazed at her quick speed and versatility as she was able to maneuver the displays and aisles quicker than I could. The shopping cart with Thing 1 weighed me down, regardless, she could have given Marion Jones a run for her money. She was immediately lured to the bagel display where fresh bagels tempt shoppers daily in a very child accessible case. She was happily touching each and every accessible bagel, despite my hopeless pleas and begging "Come Back".
Fulfilling my obligation to buy what my child has touched, I came home with 5 bagels. My husband's response: "Why couldn't she have touched the blueberry?"
10 years ago
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