As a mom, I knew I'd have to repeat myself, but not all at once. Suddenly, though, I find myself stuck in a vocal loop with my (almost) 3 year old.
ABC: Look mom, a train!
Me: Is that a train?
ABC: Yeah, a train, a train!
Me: Oh wow! What a train!
ABC: Mommy, look a train!
Me: Is that a train?
(you get the point) This goes on for quite a while until I can either 1.) distract him with food snacks or 2.) another train passes by (which starts up a whole new conversation about you guessed it...TRAINS!)
This mode of conversation has spilled into my adult life, too...
Me: What do you want for dinner?
B: I don't care, what do you want?
Me: I'm asking you what YOU want because I don't care.
B: I don't care, whatever you want is fine...
(this continues until I can distract Brent with food snacks, or until ABC points out trains.)
10 years ago
LOL I was just thinking about that last night. I swear it's like living with Rain Man around here. He is constantly repeating himself over and over and over again.