My kids have learned the power of the remote. It ranks over the cell phone in the house. Alexander likes to flip through the channels while Eleanor masterfully switches it to QVC. She's barely a year old, and she's mastered the art of shopping!
There are days when I stare at my kids in awe and wonder of how I could've created such beautiful creatures, full of wonder and laughter.
And, then there are days like today where I remind myself that I did this to myself. I chose to have two children so close together.
Eleanor (the chow hound) loves to eat whatever is on her brother's plate. She spills over his food, shattering corn everywhere!
It's times like this, I'm grateful for dogs.
Alexander cries as he sees his food on the floor. I contemplate the 5 second rule as it applies to toddlers.
Better not. This time...
10 years ago
When it comes to kids, it's the 10-second rule. I have seen Sam pick up a Cheerio from under the couch and eat it after who knows how long, so 10 seconds is generous. =)
ReplyDeleteSometimes I don't think there is a rule. Sometimes it's the "Mommy pretends that she doesn't see rule." A little dirt never hurt anyone. ;)