I often reflect "I did this to myself". In some ways it helps to put things back in perspective. I thought it was a good idea to have two small children close together. Easier for me and they will bond better, right?
Eleanor is so young, but has already mastered the art of ornery. She likes to taunt her brother every chance she gets. She'll turn the tv on/off. Over and over again. Tell her no, she'll just look at you, smile sweetly, turn it off, and walk herself into her time out chair.
Alexander whines over everything. And, by everything, I really mean everything! Today, it was because her sister "dared" touch his grapes. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAA she touched my GWAPES!" And then puts her in time out.
To which Eleanor will sit, pop her but up, and sit again, and pop up, and sit again. And, this frustrates Alexander "MOOOOMMMAAA Un-Ore won't sit in time out!"
He pushes her down, she bites him...they brawl, and I separate them.
Bonding at it's finest!
10 years ago
Sibling Rivalry starting early huh? I can tell you that having kids spaced far apart (4 and 5 years) it doesn't change anything either.
ReplyDeleteI concur. My 11-year-old will argue with the almost 3-year-old. There is no escaping it. LOL.
ReplyDeleteUn-Ore cracks me up, though...I wonder where she gets her spunk? ;)